Monday, March 12, 2007

On The Brink Of Breakout

The last comment I received as a response to my last post went like this: “Too much critics stinks!!! Change your attitude brother”. Obviously, from the comment I am gathering that the reader construes my writings and reflections as too critical. Well, I can’t deny that. I know it. I do it deliberately. Nonetheless, I don’t do it for fun. I don’t do that for kicks.

There are over 80% of Tanzanians living in rural areas with no running water and electricity. There are over 80% of Tanzanians without adequate healthcare, while the big shots take trips to Germany for regular check-ups. That is unacceptable. Someone fortunate enough to see the light has to represent them. Someone has to act as a big brother, since those they have trusted have only ended up abusing them.

On the other hand, I understand that Tanzanians (generally speaking) have been battered for so long mentally that they have lost the courage to ask critical questions. It is no wonder the voice such as mine, sounds strange. I have read comments on this blog that suggest I only say what I say because I have been influenced and mentally colonialized by the Western world. Really? How many readers out there truly know my background to come to such a conclusion?

Just for the record: I have had the guts to critically think and question things way back before I landed on the United States of America’s soil. There are plenty of Tanzanians in the United States of America, but how many of them do what I do or say what I say? Some things are just a personal calling, and regardless of where you are, you will always do what you were born to do. There are critical thinkers in Tanzania such as Generali Ulimwengu. Do they say what they say because they live in and are influenced by the Western world? Hello?

The principles of justice, hard work, right attitude, critical thinking, intelligence, ethics, morality, etc, are universal. They are applicable everywhere. Why then would one think that Africans are exempt? Seriously, if we think that, then Africans must be very stupid compared to other human races. Given that it has never been proven that other races are intelligent than the Negroid, I will not make that conclusion. We are smart enough. I am assuming that my readers are intelligent enough to grasp my goal and the context in which I am addressing Tanzanian issues. It is disheartening to see that not all of us are blessed to see the light.

I believe that the comments from the anonymous reader that I have quoted above are representative of the majority’s sentiments. I am not very worried about those sentiments, because I believe in my calling. I believe in my responsibility to help a few Tanzanians who through access to the Internet could frequent and read my posts. If I veer away from that course, then I am good for nothing. I know the above anonymous reader is of the opinion that I am very critical or very pessimistic. The truth of the matter is that I am very optimistic about the Tanzanian future.

I believe that we are just a change in attitude away from getting there. As such, I have to press in. We have plenty of resources. We have folks who are eager for change. The other day, another reader asked me to provide alternative strategies instead of talking about an attitude change. You know what? Just read MKUKUTA and MKURABITA documents. Those are good strategies. We are not executing those wonderful strategies because we lack commitment – which is a question of attitude. I just don't understand why people would downplay the importance of attitude (Mbwana, I apologize in advance for bringing the attitude issue again)

The call for a change in African’s outlook on the reasons for our situation is just not coming from me. The more I look into this attitude thing, the more I realize it is a phenomenon that most progressive Africans, such as Ali Mufuruki, are talking about seriously considering. Just take a look at this article from Arab News and you will understand what I am talking about.

I would not like to force anyone into embracing my thinking. I believe that each one of us is given a fundamental right to formulate and hold his or her own opinion. Nonetheless, that does not eliminate the fact that there have been a few opinions and visions that eventually come true. As such, I don’t mind being viewed as a lunatic. There are scientists who contended that the earth was flat, ridiculing those who believed otherwise. We know that those who believe the roundness of the earth won in the end.

My point is this: Tanzania is changing. Some of the forces are from within (deliberate) and others are external. From my point of view, I see a very prosperous country. I see a country that has plenty of potential. I see a country on a brink of coming out economically. But that will only be achieved if we tweak some things a little. One of those things we have to change is our attitude and how we view ourselves in a wider scheme of things. Nonetheless, it is funny and sad that some of us have chosen to embrace the old, traditional, political thinking that is not fitting in our current world. I just don’t like for one day to come back and write another article titled “ I told you so”.

Smart people understand what time it is. Smart folks change with time. Some of the comments I read on this blog make me wonder if people are really getting the season and times in Tanzania. The good thing about change is this: if you don’t change, you become obsolete. You don’t change you find out that your neighbors are holding Umoja Unit shares while you still insisting on lining up for sugar at a “Duka la Ushirika"


Anonymous said...

One of the major sources of the poverty in Tanzania is poor leadership. In fact, the motive of Tanzania leaders for being in power does not reflect on the public interest. In short, they are not in power to serve the country but to enrich themselves and their families at the country’s expenses. Most of the leaders are greedy, selfish and corrupt. They don’t care any human being in Tanzania despite their families. Despite being peaceful and politically stable, Tanzania’s leaders have been failed Tanzanians, to build a stable economy. Hence, since independency Tanzania’s economy never getting better but worse. Corruption is widespread and blatant. Drivers stopped for the minor traffic offences on one of the newly-smooth roads are offered the choice of a heavy fine or a lighter bribe. Certain types of medical care are supposed to be free but you have to bribe your way into the clinic. Teachers’ salaries are meagre and often late. Some teachers skive during schools hours, and charge for private tuition afterwards. Most of Tanzanians live in a very hard life. Half of them subsist on the equivalent of 65 cents a day or less. Because of their stinking corrupt mind and attitude, these bastards are so weak, timid subdued and less assertive when the issue of poverty and the poor are tabled for the discussions. Most of them lacked the guts and will to achieve a brave and far reaching agreement that might have effectively tackled the problems of poverty and decaying environment. Instead, they engage themselves in dodge deals Like BAE. The time has come to rebel these pro-veteran of the independency and eradicate them out of the system.

Jaduong Metty said...

I feel your pain. The situation in Tanzania is reversible though. I know it will take a while, but nothing stays the same.

I am just afraid for those in power, because power corrupts. They are comfortable, believing that nothing will ever change. Rome thought the same. Babylonians thought the same. The British Empire thought the same.

Change is certainly on the way..